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Interparking is supporting the Benin-based “Wanrou” initiative


In 2016, Interparking will be embarking on a new carbon offsetting project. The company will thereby be supporting the Wanrou initiative, which is making more efficient wood stoves available to the local population with a view to preventing deforestation.


Interparking is making a conscious effort to minimise the impact that its activities have on the environment. Indeed, the complete chain forms the subject matter of a precise analysis and concrete actions, so as to reduce power consumption, recycle as much waste as possible, make use of renewable energies and so on. Moreover, both the fact that teleconferences are becoming increasingly widespread and that people are using low-emission vehicles are also helping to control the impact that the company has on the environment.

Nevertheless, as is true of numerous other companies, these various initiatives are not enough to realise Interparking’s hope of achieving carbon neutrality. It is for this precise reason that Interparking has resorted to “carbon offsetting” by means of funding projects in emerging countries. Its environmental impact, which cannot be reduced at present, is thus being offset by CO2 emission reductions generated by the projects it is backing. Climate change creates considerable costs to both society and future generations. With this approach to CO2 neutrality, Interparking is taking its responsibilities with respect to its limited climate impact seriously and is not passing the buck to society.

Up until now, Interparking has got involved in providing support for a plan to combat deforestation in Uganda along with other companies. From 2016 onwards, Interparking will be supporting a specific project: the Benin-based “Wanrou” initiative, which is the brainchild of NGO Eco-Benin and CO2logic.


Improved stoves

Up in the north of Benin, Wanrou is making “improved stoves” available to families. Women, who are mainly in charge of cooking in these villages, previously had to cook food using an old method whereby they would build an open fire between three stones – which is not only dangerous, but polluting and inefficient too. The “improved stove” method, with a separate chimney to channel toxic fumes away, is considerably improving the lives of women in the north of Benin. The use of wood stoves has immediately reduced cases of respiratory illnesses and burns. The cooking time is also much shorter, which allows the women to devote their energies to other activities too.

The improved stoves developed by Wanrou also have a direct impact on the quality of the environment. Indeed, the use of this method translates into 3 tonnes less of CO2 per year and per household concerned! Since it is more efficient, this stove also allows families to consume 50% less wood, which equates to 2 tonnes per year and per household. 36,000 trees are saved every year as a result. The project is actually tackling the problem of deforestation, rather than simply planting trees without giving a second thought to the source of the problem...

By supporting this project, Interparking is taking yet another step in its commitment to reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions and consequently benefiting from the “CO2 neutral” certification awarded by CO2logic and validated by Vinçotte.


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