Zilverpand 14, 8000 Bruges
Dweerstraat Bruges
The car park is located beneath the Zilverpand: the heart of the city's trendy shopping district.
UPDATE NEW PROMO Currently -20% on the normal tariff thanks to the Pcard+ in this car park. Info and registration: www.pcard.be
Payment per quarter of an hour after the first hour
Regular schedule
Pcard+ customer
Email: COV@interparking.com Phone: 050/33.90.30 Fax: 050/33.06.21
43 car parks 0 spaces
66 car parks 43,159 spaces
57 car parks 26,085 spaces
239 car parks 118,670 spaces
16 car parks 112,402 spaces
123 car parks 58,220 spaces
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68 car parks 31,143 spaces