Passage 44 (Brussels)

Main entrance address:

Rue de l'Ommegang 16, 1000 Brussels

Alternative entrances:

Boulevard du Jardin Botanique - Kruidtuinlaan Brussels
Boulevard Pacheco - Pachecolaan Brussels

Total places526
Places for disabled6
Electric charging points1
Maximal height2 m
Order your subscription Reserve a parking space

Practical information

Currently -10% on the normal tariff thanks to the Pcard+ in this car park.
Info and registration:

The car park is located next to the Brussels Congres Station, the Ministry of Finance, Rue Neuve and the Botanique cultural center

Use the entrance Pacheco for easy access to the places for people with special needs.

The car park is available 24/24 for pedestrians and cars only via Ommegang 16 street.

The car park is also accessible 24h/24 only for pedestrians via the Galerie Passage 44 Bd du Jardin Botanique 44.




Normal tariff

TimePriceP Card
15 minutes€ 0.70

EUR 0,63

30 minutes€ 1.40

EUR 1,26

1 hour€ 2.80

EUR 2,52

1 day€ 12.00

EUR 10,80

Evening Tariff Pcard+ (19h - 5h)

15 minutes€ 0.63
1 hour€ 2.52
From 3 to 10 hours
€ 6.00

Lost ticket per day€ 20.00 
7x24h1 month€ 175.00
Student1 month€ 50.00
Opening hours

Regular schedule

Entry hours
Monday - Friday 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 19:00
Exit hours
All days 00:00 - 24:00

Pcard+ customer

All days 00:00 - 24:00

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